
Films and Projects by Andreas Kueng (Director, Writer, Producer)

The End of the Affair

The End of the Affair (16mm)

A short film, shot in 3 hours on a swiss made Bolex H16 in NYC.


Der Tag danach (2015)

The Morning After (2015), Short film by Andreas Kueng

The day after Myriam has seen her husband with a lover at the women’s health center, she pays him back in kind and transgresses her final boundary.

Contact: andreas.kueng(a), +1 (347) 471-8558.


On vimeo:

IT Boy (2016) – a new film, made with the iPhone.


IT Boy’s home:

Relax and take a look:
A Selfie from the Office.

(BE CAREFUL: best use just before midnight!)

Find me on Facebook:

Gadgetbox (2015) – TV Series for SF2

Research, Story, Script, Gadgets, Pre-Production, and Production Manager, with (2015)

8 episodes, 25 minutes each. Aired on Swiss National TV between September and December 2015.


Player on SF:

Unsound (2017) – Doc by Count Eldrigde

Production Manager, 2nd Unit Director Berlin (2014)

Über Haschisch (2015) – play

Play by Walter Benjamin. Theater Neumarkt, Zurich, Switzerland.

Director: Heike M. Götze. With: Simon Brusis, Dagmar Bock, and Andreas Küng.

Role: Production Assistant, Assistant Director. Role: Medical Doctor (on video).


(Caspar Urban Weber / Theater Neumarkt)

Das [kiffen] tut er – wie Benjamin das bisweilen tat – unter den Augen eines Arztes, es handelt sich ja nicht nur um ein Rausch-, sondern auch um ein Arzneimittel. In diesem Mundart sprechenden Gegenüber, von dem man kaum etwas sieht ausser dem weissen Kittel, klingt das Zürich der Mediziner und Therapeuten an – mit Augenzwinkern, versteht sich. «Das isch schön gsi, wie sie das gseit händ», sagt der Arzt etwa, wenn der Erzähler berichtet, der Rausch setze sich «mit prismatischen Rändern gegen den Alltag ab» und bilde «eine Blumenform». (Excerpt from (2013) – corporate movie

Produced, written and directed by Andreas Küng.

Shortened version due to casualty.



check:mates (2011) – 48h film project

How to find a flat (and mates) in Berlin. A 48h film project, realized in Berlin, November 2011.

Role: Main Actor, the one with the voice-over (Andreas Küng)

Check it out:

Live Pitch Berlin, My Way Out

(c) Andreas Küng.


Berlin Folks #1 -- Two beardy communists looking to the moon

This is how it happens: Two former football champions from the balcan forget to shave this morning as they heard some obscure trumpet sounds from above. And so they raised their heads and waited months for an angel to save them from this prison called poster glue.